
What is the cheapest way to travel around London?

Indeed, London is one of the most exciting and appalling places to visits. Whether you are on a vacation with your family, friends, or you are traveling alone, London is definitely one of the places to go. However, traveling within London is on the higher end as far as the expenses are concerned. It is always a good idea to lower your expenses on travel so that you can enjoy everything else that the majestic city has to offer.

Here some of the most prominent and easy-to-use travel hacks specifically for London will be discussed in detail. These hacks are as follows.

Oyster Card

Perhaps the best way to cut down your travel expense in London is to get your hands on the Oyster Card. This card allows its holder to travel almost everywhere within the city using the underground transport, overground transport, ships & boats, as well as the world-renowned iconic red-colored London buses. The Oyster Card offers discounted prices for its user especially if the cardholder intends to stay in London for at least 15 days. Oyster Cards can only be applied for by individuals who are over the age of 18. This card gives a total of 30% or more discounts on weekly, monthly, and annual travels.

Avoid Peak Times

Planning the entire day of travel in advance is always a good idea. One way or the other, the entire travel experience can really become better and that too by saving a significant amount of money. Using public transport in peak hours can be really heavy on the pocket, so picking other times will really help you out. For instance, avoid using the tube between 6-9 and use it between 2-5 for the best and cheapest experience.

Hopper Fare

London buses and trams have become much more popular and convenient amongst the tourists, especially after the Hopper Fare was finally introduced. Passengers can now travel using the bus or the tram for only 1.50 pounds and then change their buses or other modes of public transport for no additional cost. This fare change has been welcomed by many people as it significantly cuts down costs and becomes much more reliable and convenient for the tourists. These bus journeys should ideally be planned beforehand, since they greatly help reduce costs. The great thing about these buses is that they are much more scenic in nature.

Using the Cycle

If you are really looking to cut down costs and travel for the cheapest rate possible, using the cycle is a great way to not only explore the entire city but also travel for the least expense. Santander bikes are available across the city of London and can be hired for free if you use it only for 30 minutes. However, if you are looking for the bike for the entire day, it will only cost about 2 British pounds. This will significantly lower your expenses and will also make you fitter and healthier.

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